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                                                               ABOUT THIS LOOK
Sweatshert ; Newdress  | Watch : Newdress |
nexdress revieo 
Todays post will be about newdress I will start of by saying that this is not what you would call a “curated” shop , it is very much about quantity and that has both advantages and disadvantages.Starting off with the positives,  you are bound to find something to suit your taste and at a great price as well, now the main disadvantage is that it does require some serious searching, and I mean you might find yourself looking for hours through thousands of items in each category
Here's some info found on Newdress:" Newdress was one of the web's first online stores and has been helping the fashion-conscious look fabulous since 2008. Based in Chinaw holesalebuying, offers the latest street style dresses ,coats, boots & more."
Okay so now that's out of the way, I contacted wholesalebuying nearly 1 month ago now and basically started up an affiliation with them. The contacted me back quickly and their customer service is great, they're really informative and never forget to leave anything out. They always replied within 24 hours which is great because I'm someone who hates waiting around for replies!
now let's talk  bit about the product  i received this amazing t-shirt click here to see it :

                                                            New dress
it was better than i expected and honestly everyone likes it too , my most preferred piece i love black color and white on it , the letters are way too good so fancy everyone likes this style you'd feel unique on your own wearing it 
 it took only 15 day to arrive they shipped them out and gave me a 

tracking code for the items to use on their website then once you tracked it on their site you

 can receive the tracking code to use on main sites like royalmail or usps etc etc

was super pleased that it came with tracking because I love finding out where my packages 
are and it makes me more patient! Since the items come with a tracking code it's really good 

especially since the shipping is free worldwide!
Get ready for a picture spam!
                                                    70% off - IOS :
                                                  70% off - Android :

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